Whittfit Training Gym LTD

Kettlebell Front Squat
December 22, 2021

Stand with your feet so they are slightly angled out, and set your feet so they are approximately hip width in the heels and shoulder width in the toes. While the optimal stance will vary from person to person, this width seems to feel best for many. See what works best for you.
Clean the kettlebells into the starting position. Clasp your fingers together, and rest the kettlebells on the front of your shoulders/upper biceps area. If you aren't comfortable cleaning the kettlebells up, have someone pass them to you.
Before you descend into the squat, take a deep breath in, brace your core.
While maintaining muscular control and the same tempo the entire time, simultaneously move at the knees and hips, and aim to sit between your heels.
While you should have a slight forward lean in your torso, keep your chest up and do not allow your torso to collapse forward. Maintain a neutral spine.
As you stand up and return to the starting position, press your body away from the floor by squeezing your glutes, quads and hamstrings.
Once you reach the top position, extend your knees by squeezing your quads and hamstrings. Lock out by squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward, bracing your core, tucking your rib cage towards your hips as this will prevent your lower back from arching and will help you maintain proper alignment.
Make sure that your weight remains in the mid-back portion of your feet but keep your toes down, particularly your big and baby toes. This will improve your stability and strength, and ability to perform the exercise.
Do not allow your knees to collapse in or fall outside of your feet.
Squat only as deep as proper form allows you to go. Do not sacrifice form for depth.
Reset before each rep.
Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Only add more speed when you have good squat form. Your number one priority should be good form, not making yourself tired.
